This park, with most beautiful with Spain and illuminated by great amount of species as much of origin animal as vegetal, covers a surface with 17,852 hectares and the Rio Tiétar is in the confluence of the Tajo River with its affluent. It is located to 25 Kilometers of Plasencia, 40 of Trujillo, 35 of Serradilla, 22 of Malpartida de Plasencia, 40 of Jaraicejo and 16 of Torrejón the Blonde.

It is acceded from Plasencia, Navalmoral by the N-V, turning aside itself towards Plasencia few kilometers advanced and Trujillo more.

This park overflows with life; great forests of oaks, ashs, willows... distribute by this sanctuary of flora and fauna, where numerous protected species exist. Terrestrial animals like the javalí, the jineta, the wild cat, the ferret, comadreja, the hare and the rabbit, foxes, tejones; reptiles like the ocelado lizard, and air animals where we found great amount of birds rapaces, the black vulture, of which they have been gotten to count up to 220 nests, imperial eagles, black storks, at the moment a species protected with 20 entered nests, travelling sparrowhawks, hawks, culebreras eagles... In winter, ducks, garganeys, cormoranes... The fishing also is very generous barbels, eels and carps distribute themselves by waters of the rivers Tajo and Tietar; and thus until completing almost the 300 species that live in wild and natural state in this wonderful park.

The flora also is very varied, jarales willows, oaks, romeros, ashs, alder groves, aulagas...

In the Roman Epoca " Monfragorum " was called later to change to the name of " A the Mofrag " that means " Monte Fragoso " due to the occupation by the Muslims.

There are several routes that puden to follow themselves at the time of making a visit by the park. All begins in Villareal of San Carlos that long ago was a military defense and where at the moment it is the only inhabited nucleo of the park and in where is an Information bureau.




It follows the highway of the Jumps happening through the source of the Three Sewers and through the prey of the Torrejón over the Tiétar.

Duration: At one hour of way we arrived at the Viewpoint of the Portilla.


Route that crosses the Real Gorge and allows to enjoy impressive views from the port.

Duration: Half an hour.


Until arriving at the Hill.

Duration: 15 min. approx.


The best route of all by its grandiosidad. It passes next to the highway that goes to Torrejón the Blonde, we crossed the New Bridge and the Sallto of the Gypsy that counts the legend was able to make a gypsy fleeing from the Civil Guard many years ago. From a colony of vultures can here be observed. After Salto of the Gypsy, a crossing that us lleba until the Castle. The return is done by the Shade happening through the Source of the French, the New Bridge and the highway to return again.

Duration: Two or three hours.


Nor that to say he has all the visitors must respect the surroundings like natural park and protégé who is. It is possible to be arrived activities whenever one does not bother the animals and we do not leave the itineraries and established viewpoints. The other norms are always demanded in any place of these referring caracterísicas to sweepings, fires, hunting of animals...

The single encamped one is allowed in the zones qualified for it. Also they exist camping like the Camping of Monfrag5ue, in C-524 to its passage by the railway station of Monfrag5ue.